“The First Order” is a Japanese anime series that premiered on July 19, 2023. It is produced by Tencent Animation & Comics and Bilibili. The show is based on a web novel and falls under the genres of action, adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi. The series is still ongoing and has 16 episodes so far
The story takes place in a world that has been devastated by nuclear winter. Humans are no longer in control of the world, and crises emerge one after another. Facing an uncertain environment and future, fortresses are built one after another. Refugees flock to the exterior of these walls for survival, hoping that one day they can enter a fortress. Our main lead, Ren Xiaosu is one of them. With an indomitable will, Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan are determined to move forward for a shot at survival. They keep advancing by absorbing positive energy and changing the world with every step.
The First Order [Diyi Xulie], The First Order Anime English Subtitles
The ending song is lit